The first illustration on 'Branding' is inspired by Kalamkari paintings. A person is shown making Kalamkari art, and also a hint about his tools and process is given around him. This portrays about our thinking which is to perceive environment and talk about the local art forms and get inspired from the roots.

The second illustration, for Web design and development shows two people actually using Web Design. The girl is engaged in paper-craft taking a reference from her phone. The man on the right is trying to put on a tie while referencing from a website. These tasks require a good website design, which should be hands-free as these tasks requires involvement of both hands. Thus, this illustration is a direct portrayal of the user using Website design.

The third illustration on Product Development is inspired by a famous local toy brand, Kondapalli toys. An artisan is shown making Kondapalli toys with a hint of the process of making these toys. This again talks a lot about retaining art forms, getting inspiration and valuing process.

The fourth illustration on Mobile iOS and development shows a very local family sitting outside using their Mobile phones. This talks a lot about empathising with our vast audience and developing an operating system friendly enough to a wide variety of audience, which consist of different classes, cultures and age groups.

The fifth illustration on Digital Marketing is an abstract take portraying the various forms in which Marketing would take place, like mobiles, tablets, laptops, radios, and Televisions. This illustration does not talk about a particular scenario, but an abstract version of all of them combined, where a user is sitting comfortably while being surrounded by all of them.

The sixth and the last illustration, on Communication Design is all about the portrayal of the natural beauty of the city where Wishbox is based in. The different coloured boats on the banks of river Krishna with a rail bridge running over it and the vibrance of colours help give the essence of this area. The person on the extreme right sitting comfortably and looking around gives the hint of the peacefulness of the city.

Colours used in the visuals are inspired from the essence of Andhra. Combination of Pastel colours as well as vibrant colours caters to the youth.
Thus, these illustration talk about process, empathy, essence, environmental perception and user experience, which being included in the services video tells the user a complete picture of this design firm's capacity and ability of providing these services. 

The making
These illustrations were used to make a Motion Graphic Services Video for Wishbox. Please click the button below to view it.
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